Increasing Shannon’s Entropy in Relationships

Under normal circumstances, entropy signifies the amount of disorderliness in a system. For instance, a highly disorganized room can be said to be in a state of entropy.

In information theory, however, entropy is given a slightly different treatment. This form of entropy is called Shannon’s entropy and it deals with the amount of surprise that is embedded in a message. The higher the entropy, the more informative the message is.

Think about the last time you heard a baby babble. In this instance, the amount of information you can extract from the baby’s vocalizations is small. There’s really nothing inherently novel or interesting about hearing a baby say “baa-da, baa-da…” over and over again. The Shannon’s entropy of the baby’s message is low.

On the other hand, say, you’re listening to a subject matter expert talking about a topic you’re very interested in. In this case, the Shannon’s entropy of the speaker’s message is high. Why? Because the words encoding his message can open new frontiers in your mind once you are able to decode them!

Generalizing to interpersonal relationships today, many relationships have the Shannon’s entropy of a baby’s babble!

There are at least two heuristics for detecting an interpersonal relationship with a low Shannon’s entropy: (1) Recurring conflicts on the same issues, which could eventually lead to (2) Cold indifference, where one party is simply apathetic to the other.

So, how can you increase Shannon’s entropy in your interpersonal relationships?

First, listen to truly understand what the other person is saying. Merely mouthing ‘I understand you’ does not cut it. To understand the other person means embodying the spirit of empathy. That is, trying as much as possible to enter the same emotional and psychological space as the other party. Doing this will increase the amount of information you can extract from the other person’s message, thus increasing the Shannon’s entropy of the other party’s message to you. This may be crucial in taking your interpersonal relationships to the next level!

Second, understand that winning the person is sometimes more important than winning the argument. In a scientific study investigating the dynamics of social interactions among rats, a typically dominant rat engaging in playful rough and tumble with another rat will usually let the other rat win 30% of the time. That is, even stronger rats instinctively appreciate the idea that winning the individual is sometimes more important than winning the fight. You can imagine how much more the Shannon’s entropy in your interpersonal relationship will be increased if you took a hint from a rat!

Disclaimer: The “Notes/Ideas Lab” category on my website will contain ideas and thoughts that I have not fully developed. I may eventually get round to fleshing them out into a full essay. I also reserve the right not to do so…

Waste is Key

Waste is one key to unlocking exponential development in any sector or industry.

Until you can afford to waste a resource, you will not be able to break through the iron ceiling of potential.

I have 4 examples to prove my point:

The first is biological systems.

A tree produces tons of seed-containing fruits in the course of its life, even though, there are probably billions of seeds out there that will never get planted, not to talk of become trees. Yet, trees are in no danger of getting extinct anytime soon. Similarly, you only need one sperm cell and one ovum to make a baby. Millions of sperm cells are “wasted” in the process of conception, yet the world population is currently at 7 billion and counting.

My second example is from the food industry.

The American fast food industry only really took off after the country had figured out how to “afford” wasting farm produce. This happened through the mechanization of farm processes. The result? Increased efficiency in the use of land and exponential production of farm produce. At such levels of production, supply outweighs need, and when people are no longer hungry, innovation is never far away. Of course, one of such innovations turned out to be the fast food industry itself!

The third example is paper, which I won’t describe in detail here because I have written about this before. I’d say this, though: Once people could afford to waste paper, groundbreaking ideas could be disseminated far and wide.

The final example is data.

I remember seeing a picture of early computer innovators using a truck to move a 1 MB hard drive.

Yes, you read that right – one megabyte!

Data was expensive to produce, to store and to move around. Since so much effort went into it, no one was willing to waste it.

Fast forward to the present day where data is so ubiquitous and almost everyone spends their active waking hours literally wasting data without giving so much as a thought to it.

But think about how much the quality of our lives have improved because we can all waste data. Think about the software, web apps, and online marketplaces that were only possible after man could figure out how to afford to waste data.

There is a benefit that comes with being able to waste. It allows more room to experiment with different uses of a resource, and like in the archetypal Darwinian struggle, the fittest use(s) for that resource will thrive, while others go extinct. If you’re unable to waste, how can you even be sure that the current use of the resource is the optimal way to get the best out of it?

Innovation and technological development in any industry is constrained by its willingness and capability to waste.

Disclaimer: The “Notes/Ideas Lab” category on my website will contain ideas and thoughts that I have not fully developed. I may eventually get round to fleshing them out into a full essay. I also reserve the right not to do so…

The Word at Quantum Level

During the course of a Christmas break years ago, my fascination with quantum mechanics took a quantum leap.

For the uninitiated, quantum mechanics is a branch of physics that deals with the nature of matter at subatomic levels. ‘Subatomic’ implying sizes that are billions of times smaller than that of invisible atoms and electrons.

The funny thing is that I never really cared about Physics at any point in my life prior to that year. I had always considered the subject kind of vague and abstract and it never seemed to interest me.

However, that changed when I was reminded of a concept of quantum mechanics referred to as the ‘Wave-Particle Duality of Matter’. In simple terms, it means that at quantum levels, matter can either exist as a wave or a particle, but not as both at the same time.

You see, whenever the subatomic components of matter is manifested as a wave, it is actually a probabilistic pattern of where the subatomic component is most likely to be found. To get this idea, let’s assume that I am holding a ball which I intend to put into one of 10 square boxes in front of me. Now, while the ball is still in my hand, all the boxes have an equal chance of being picked, despite the fact that none of them physically has the ball in them. In the same way, at subatomic levels, matter exists simply as a wave of probability or potential of where it would most likely be found.

The whole story suddenly changes when an observer decides to observe this wave of probability/potential, because the subatomic matter would crystallize to form a particle at the exact point that was observed!!!

Now, I’m fully aware that some of you would roll your eyes and call this hogwash.

It’s not! All I’ve shared with you is practical science, with results that have been repeated in the labs, time and time again!

How then does all these relate to the Word?

Good question!

Hebrews 4:12 says, ‘For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword…’

The Word of God is a Living Force, full of unimaginable amounts of Life, Power, Wisdom, Direction, Understanding and Insights. However, just as in the Wave Property of Matter in Quantum Mechanics, that Direction, Power, Wisdom, Life or Insight that you need per time only exists in the form of potential that cannot be of any benefit to you….

…unless you observe it!

In the same way a wave would crystallize to form a particle wherever the observer looks, the Word you need to turn your life around for the better would crystallize anywhere you observe in the Word.

2 Timothy 3:16 tells us that ALL Scripture is inspired by God. This implies that every single part of the Bible – including the ‘boring parts’ and the genealogies – is backed up by God’s Inspiration and Power. Every single page of the Bible has the power to change your life…if only you’d pick it up and read!

It’s so simple. It’s so profound.

Are you looking for a Word from God? Perhaps you’re waiting for another person to speak into your life, while you have your Bible under your armpit. Awake and stir yourself up. Take responsibility for your life and get your Bible. Observe the pages of the Word, and watch spiritual possibilities crystallizing into the physical realities you desire to see in your life!

Thoughts on Correct Meditation

Meditation is a bother on many people’s minds today.

When many people come in contact with the concept of meditation, they are usually overwhelmed. And really, it is hard not to see why. For too long, contemporary media, as well as the internet has done so much to paint complicated pictures of what meditation should ideally be.

If you are ever going to meditate in order to find clarity and direction of purpose, you will need to first of all do meditation properly. So, that’s the first step, I will help you achieve.

Meditation Is Not Relaxation

A lot of people seem to think meditation is sitting down lotus-style and focusing on your breath or something. While I do not have anything against people that do that, there needs to be a delineation between relaxation and meditation!

If you need to relax, it may be a good idea to focus on your breath and sit in the lotus position, or you may simply go to your bed and get some sleep!

However, if you want to meditate, you need to go about it the right way.

Meditation Is Worry

You see, meditation, at its most basic form, simply means, positive worry!

This is why I laugh at times, when people come over to meet me and tell me that they find it difficult to meditate. I simply ask them, ‘Do you worry?”. Of course, these people look back at me, with incredulity written all over their face, “Of course, I do worry!”. In fact, the funniest answer that I got to my question was, “Promise, to be honest, I cannot remember a time when I did not worry!”. That’s the point when I simply smile and tell them, “Dude, if you can worry, you already know how to meditate…you’re only doing it wrongly”.

Take a moment and examine the past week, month or year.

Have you ever been bothered by anything, but still had to go to work? Have you been concerned with an issue but you still had to be in class to study? Have you been worried with stuff, but still had to take your children out to play or hang out with your spouse?

Most likely, the answer to all the questions above are a resounding yes!

You were able to keep the issue at the back of your mind while still maintaining some form of functionality in your everyday life! That’s how worry works…and that’s how meditation works too

The 3-Step Method for Effective Meditation

With everything else at the back of our minds, I will now proceed to share a 3-step method of effective meditation. I remember when I first used this method I am about to share with you, it unleashed the bundles of potential trapped within me and guess what, I am still reaping the benefits till this very day. This is why I am confident that if you follow the same steps, you will be surprised with the amount of clarity you will find concerning your life’s direction!

1. Find a statement or sentence that contains a reality you desire

I think that’s self-explanatory. You will need to find a motivational or inspirational sentence or concept that contains a reality or experience that you wish to have in the nearest future. It could be from an inspirational book or video. It may also be a profound truth that someone shared with you in the past. Typically, I pick my sentences from the Bible. I believe that the Bible is the most powerful book in the world today. There are hundreds of thousands of concepts, principles and ideas that can potentially turn your life right side up, if you spend enough time on it. Remember, at this stage, all you need is just one sentence or concept.

2. Think about the components of the statement or sentence

This is the point when you start seeking to understand the concept, idea or sentence. Think about the tenses used in the statement. Is it talking about the past, the present or the future? Think about the meaning of each word in the sentence. Does the word mean something else in the context of the sentence? Think about the sentence in terms of cause and effect. Will a certain action lead to certain consequences? Flip the sentence around and examine it from every angle.

3. Obsess over the sentence

This is the final secret sauce of meditation. Meditation is positive worry to the point of obsession! You have to make yourself obsessed with the idea, concept or statement you are thinking about. Think about it when you wake up; let it be the last thing on your mind before you sleep; think about it when you eat; think about it in the shower; whatever you do, just think about it.

There are two problems that usually arise at this phase.

The first is that a lot of people find their minds drifting off from the concept every few seconds. When this happens to you, do not be discouraged or frustrated. Just smile and bring your mind back to the concept you were thinking about before. I promise you, with time, you will find that it will take longer before your mind drifts off the topic you are thinking about.

The second problem is that a lot of people think that they do not have time to obsessively meditate. Actually, you do have more than enough time to do so. You see, there are a lot of empty pockets of time during the course of our day. Have you ever wondered about what you think of when you make the commute to work or class? What do you think about when you are sitting on the “white throne” or standing under the shower? If you could slot in meditation into these pockets of time littered throughout your day, I promise you that your life will be remarkably improved and you’d ultimately get the much needed clarity of spirit and mind!

Three Big Ideas: On Einstein’s Equation, Opportunity Costs, and, Commanding God

Big Idea #1 from Me

In the 19th century, the scientific consensus was that the realm of matter was separate from the realm of energy. That changed in 1905 when Albert Einstein introduced his theory of special relativity. This theory shows the relationship between energy and matter, and is generally known as E = MC^2. In other words, Einstein showed that matter was a form of energy, and energy was a form of matter.

So, how did Einstein arrive at this conclusion?

Einstein tried to imagine what he would see if he could run after a light wave – at the speed of light. Now, light moves at about 670 million meters per second. At that speed, it would take less than 1/5th of a second to travel from Lagos in Nigeria to London in the UK! Through his thought experiment, Einstein realized that it will never be possible to outrun a light wave. No matter how fast you try to run, light waves will always be faster than you. 

To take the idea further, Einstein imagined what would happen to the person who was already approaching the speed of light but still wanted to travel faster. Well, as the person approaches the speed of light, any effort exerted to make him outrun the light wave will not make the individual any faster. Why? Because nothing can outrun light. What would happen instead is that the energy exerted will be converted to mass. An external observer that could see things moving as they approached the speed of light would actually see the person’s mass become bigger and bigger as more effort was exerted. Of course, from the running person’s point of view, everything remains the same – hence the term “relativity”.

The ideas from Einstein’s thought experiments have revolutionized our understanding of the universe. What is remarkable is the fact that Einstein was a theoretical physicist. He did not have any labs or run experiments. Yet, by harnessing the power of his imagination, Einstein gave the world an equation that has been proven to have numerous practical applications, from nuclear energy, to radiocarbon dating, to PET scans among others.

The question today is fairly straightforward: What are you doing with your own imagination?

Big Idea #2 from Research

A life that is plagued with poor decisions is like a watch with dead batteries – the times are more awry than it needs to be.

If you are serious about improving the quality of your life, you need to be more conscious of one simple thing that everyone overlooks 90% of the time.

It’s Opportunity Costs.

So, what are Opportunity Costs? This is best explained with an example.

Suppose you have the option of choosing between vegetables and chocolate. If you opt for the chocolate, your opportunity cost is not just the vegetables, but the flat tummy and healthier body you’ve always wanted.

The same thing happens when you have to choose between scrolling mindlessly on Instagram and taking action on the online program you just purchased. As before, if you choose Instagram, your opportunity cost is not just the time you would have spent on the online course, but also the rewards the specialized knowledge could have brought you in the future.

As you can see, in spite of our best intentions, as humans, we find a way to not act in our best interests. As a result, the quality of our lives continues to plummet.

But it is not all tales of doom.

You can improve the quality of your life, and one way to do that is to be more conscious of opportunity costs when you make decisions.

One way to do that is to plan your resources (time, money, energy, etc.) in advance.

In his 2011 paper, Opportunity Cost Consideration, Stephen A. Spiller wanted to examine how sensitive people were to opportunity costs in their decision making. In his study of 242 people, Spiller discovered that respondents who planned how they spent their income were more likely to consider opportunity costs than their counterparts who did not plan.

What’s the point here?

If you want to improve your consciousness of opportunity costs, you need to plan ahead of time when you’re not under any pressure to choose! While this obviously applies to money, you can see the same effect in various aspects of life. For instance, when you plan your day ahead of time, you’re less likely to ‘waste’ time on activities and choices that can derail you from your desirable destination

Big Idea #3 from the Bible

As he walks about the pulpit, wiping his favorite brow with his padded handkerchief, a motivational preacher would typically whip his audience into a frenzy with the following words:

“And I shouted, ‘God!’ and instantly He replied to me, ‘Yes, my son!’. Then I told Him, ‘Move this mountain, Lord!’ and He said, ‘Yes, my son! Would that be all?’”

When I encounter these kinds of sermons, I cannot help but wonder about the image of God these preachers have about the Ancient of Days.

From my admittedly limited understanding of God, I know He is not….

…a talkative God;

…a God you can wrap around your little finger;

…a God that is waiting on you just to serve all your whims;

…an inferior God.

Without mincing words, it appears to me that a lot of the earlier referenced preachers have taken a lot of liberties with Isaiah 45:11, which says,

“Thus saith the LORD, the Holy One of Israel, and His Maker, Ask me of things to come concerning my sons, and concerning the work of my hand, command ye me”

So, they see the phrase, “Command ye me” and then proceed to exercise their “authority” over the LORD Almighty.

Funny, isn’t it?

To understand the meaning of a Bible verse in its context, it pays to read the preceding and succeeding verses.

Verse 10 of Isaiah 45 says, ”Woe unto him that saith unto his father, What begettest thou? Or to his mother, What hast thou brought forth?”

Now, this is getting interesting!

From Isaiah 45:10, it is apparent that verse 11 is a question!!!

In essence, God is saying: Inasmuch as you can’t question your parents about why they gave birth to you or why you have certain features in your physique, you also can’t question His purpose regarding you!

He’s not asking you to command Him.

Instead, God is saying, “You shouldn’t dare to command Me!”

Well, that should settle this issue.

If you still have doubts, let’s check verses 12 and 13:

“I have made the earth and created man upon it. I, even my hands, have stretched out the heavens, and I will direct all his ways: he shall build my city and shall ket go my captives, not for price or reward, saith the LORD of hosts”

Regardless of what we declare, decree or command, it is His Will and Purpose for our lives that would stand in the end.

Don’t waste your time commanding Jehovah to do your own selfish, lustful desires. We are not meant to command God. We are meant to do His own will and bidding.

Do yourself a favour: Whenever you pray, instead of commanding God, find His perfect will by His Spirit; and pray in that line.

Remember, swimming upstream causes you to expend a lot of energy while you cover very little ground. On the other hand, flowing with the tide is both easier and rewarding.

May the Lord grant you understanding in these things.

Three Big Ideas: On the Idol of Abstraction, Cognitive Dissonance, and, God’s Chastisement

Big Idea #1 From Me

In the Bible, we see how the children of Israel alternated between cycles of faith in God and cycles of rebellion and idolatry.

Instances where the Israelites lived in obedience coincided with peace on all sides, and abundance.

However, as soon as the Israelites got too comfortable and took their relationship with God for granted, famines, droughts, sieges, and outright wars became the order of the day.

Whenever I read these stories, I often wonder what was so special about these idols that provoked worship from the ancient Israelites.

But the more I think about this, the more I realize that perhaps there’s no big difference between me in 2020 and the Israelites back then.

If time travel was a practical possibility, I’d bet that the Israelites who lived thousands of years ago will also be flummoxed by the idols we have in this present age.

On one hand, they will probably be shocked by how we literally worship our phones by paying homage to it first thing in the mornings before we get out of bed, and worshipping it before we shut our eyes for the night.

But even more, they will be blown away by the altars we’ve erected to our ideas.

You see, in the wake of the scientific revolutions which began approximately 500 years ago, man’s capacity for abstraction has grown in leaps and bounds.

This means that man could think about physical objects in the form of ideas. For instance, a physical rock was now seen as something possessing “mass” and could produce “force” when made to move at a certain “acceleration”. With this power, man was able to start understanding the workings of the physical universe.

Ever the maverick, man sought to use this newly-found powers of abstraction to solve societal or economical problems exclusive of God. Sometimes, it had the potential to work. But more often than not, it gave us brutal dictatorships, depressions, and wars.

When you fall into the trap of using abstraction capabilities exclusive of God, what you’re saying in effect is, “As far as this economic/social problem is concerned, I know everything there is to know”

In other words, you’re imitating the devil by elevating your idea to the place of God – falling in love with it and worshipping it unabashedly.

I’d end with the following profound words from Makar Ivanovich Dolgoruky, one of the main characters in Fyodor Dostoevsky’s 19th-Century novel, The Raw Youth:

“A man cannot live without worshipping something; without worshipping, he cannot bear the burden of himself. And that goes for every man. So that if a man rejects God, he will have to worship an idol that may be made of wood, gold or ideas. So those who think they don’t need God are really just idol worshippers, and that’s what we should call them.”

Big Idea #2 From Research

In their 1959 classic paper, Cognitive consequences of forced compliance, Leon Festinger and James Carlsmith describe a study where they gave a set of students an incredibly boring task to do individually. At the end of the task, each participant was instructed to tell the next person how exciting and enjoyable the task was. In other words, they were told to lie. For their efforts, each student was paid – some a paltry amount, while others were paid enough money to go out on a date at a high-end restaurant.

At the end of the study, each participant were asked how much they had really enjoyed the original boring task.

Here’s where it gets interesting. Participants who were paid a little kept on telling the lie, while those who were paid a lot told the honest truth: They had detested the task and did not enjoy it.

This is counterintuitive because you’d expect those who were paid a lot to keep on lying to themselves, and vice versa.

Here’s what’s going on.

People experience some mental discomfort when they behave in ways that are not consistent with their values or beliefs. This state is referred to as cognitive dissonance. Since people generally have a tendency to minimize pain and maximize pleasure, they resort to all forms of rationalization and self-justification in order to enjoy the bliss that psychological consistency delivers.

The group of students that were paid a lot did not have to resolve whether the task was indeed boring or not. When given the permission to do so, they could be objective about how they really felt about task. On the other hand, the students who were paid a little had to struggle to find a consistency between what they did and what they told others about what they did. They were more liable to rationalize the joy in the task with thoughts such as ‘The experimenter told me to tell the others that this task is fun. Maybe it actually is and I haven’t figured it out yet.’

My key takeaway from this study is somewhat related to the concept of sunk costs which I have discussed before. What are the non-essentials in your life that you keep holding on to, even when you know there’s no light at the end of that path? What are the long-term relationships you are still holding on to, even when you realize that they are toxic to you? What are the bad habits you are still engaged in, even when you are aware that they could be the end of you? How long will you keep trying to resolve the conflict between your actions and your values? This is a conversation you need to have with yourself.

Big Idea #3 From the Bible

The common scripture used in explaining the chastisement of God is found in Hebrews 12:5-7,

“…My son, despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked of Him: For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom He receiveth. If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the Father chasteneth not?”

In the course of studying this topic, I made an interesting discovery by the Holy Spirit. You know, in the original Greek in which the New Testament was written, the word translated ‘chastisement’, as used in Hebrews 12:5-7, literally means, ‘tutorage’, ‘education’, or ‘training’!

Wow! I wonder what this would do to many people’s theology.

So, we can see that ‘chastisement’ doesn’t even mean that God is busy inflicting you with pain, sickness, poverty and so on for the majority of your Christian walk!

Biblically, when God is chastising you, it simply means that He’s educating, tutoring and training you!

Isn’t that liberating?

You see, as a believer, you have the Holy Spirit of God residing right in your spirit man. Hence, you have access to the Mind of Christ at any given time (1 Corinthians 2:12, 16).

As a result, God doesn’t have to use external factors to communicate His Will to you. Rather, as a believer, He speaks to you in your heart.

Let me share a personal experience:

During my one-year mandatory Youth Service, I had an ‘intense discussion’ with a brother over a doctrinal matter. In the heat of the moment, I rudely told the brother that he was religious, but not spiritual. As soon as those words left my lips, I didn’t hear God’s audible voice rebuking me for yelling at that brother. Neither did God strike me with blindness or cause me to be sacked from my place of work.

Instead, I perceived in my heart that it wasn’t God’s Will for me to speak to my brother in the manner that I did. In fact, I was restless in my spirit until I apologized to the brother for the way I addressed him.

Would you believe it if I told you that the entire process was God chastising me?

Well, that was God chastising me – tutoring, training and teaching me to walk the way Jesus walked. It was easy for God to do this with me because I have His Spirit resident within me. This, of course, is also related to the fact that I had also been exposed to the Word of God, which “…is profitable…for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16).

As believers, the LORD is going to use His Word to chastise us. His Words are Spirit (John 6:63) and the Holy Spirit is committed to reminding us of God’s Word (John 16:13-15) when we are in danger of missing the mark!

It’s very liberating to realize that God would never chastise us with pain, sickness and poverty.

It’s even more liberating to know that God is madly in love with you and He’s ever ready to teach, train and tutor us on how to walk like Christ per time.

With this at the back of our minds, it makes perfect sense to heed the advice contained in Hebrews 12:5,

“…despise not thou the chastening of the Lord…”

God loves you and He wants you to manifest the life of Christ!

When you’re armed with that understanding, you can resist the lies of the devil; you can actively kick out sickness and lack out of your life; and most importantly, you have the right perspective about the chastening of the Lord – allowing it have its perfect work in you!

Three Big Ideas: On Polemics, Networked Net Worth, and a Kingdom of Kings

Big Idea #1 From Me

Several months ago, I was talking with my baby brother who told me he had taken a break from social media.

His reason?

The polemics and diatribes were becoming too toxic for his taste.

My brother is only 21 and he arrived at that conclusion on his own.

Prior to my conversation with him, I had been thinking about the same thing.

Why is there so much polarization on the internet?

In his 1994 book, Blood and Belonging: Journeys into New Nationalism, Canadian journalist, Michael Ignatieff made the following remarks about the conflicts in former Yugoslavia.

“Freud once argued that the smaller the real difference between two people, the larger it is bound to loom in their imagination. He called this effect the narcissism of minor differences. Its corollary must be that enemies need each other to remind themselves of who they really are. A Croat, thus is someone who is not a Serb. A Serb is someone who is not a Croat. Without hatred for the other, there would be no clearly defined national self to worship and adore.

One thing the internet and social media has done is to reduce the differences between people.

Nowadays, once you have a smart phone and internet connection, you share a single, unifying characteristic with billions of others: You become similar to others in that you now have access to people in ways that had never been possible in the world.

This is not necessarily a bad thing. For instance, the Arab Spring in the early 2010s and the more recent EndSARS movement have been successful in toppling autocratic governments and police brutality because of this very unifying characteristic.

However, mankind has long since learned to abuse his God-given capacity for imitation and worship.

As a result, there’s a fertile ground where Michael Ignatieff’s theory can grow unhindered.

Since the vast majority of people do not imitate God, they have no real sense of self.

This isn’t surprising because, as the Prophet Jeremiah concluded, it is not in man to know himself!

In a bid to cure this itch for self-identity in the midst of unprecedented similarity, man strives to look for anything that can serve as a distinguishing factor between him and others.

You know that itch. It’s the same thing that plays out when you try to decide on which brand of cereal you are going to buy. In this state, you ignore the similarities between the brands and only look for differences!

Hence my conclusion that every diatribe, polemic or polarizing take on the internet is the result of man’s desperate search for self-identification as he drowns in the sea of overwhelming similarity with others.

Big Idea #2 From Research

In their paper, Quantifying reputation and success in art, Samuel Frailberger and his colleagues analyzed the careers of 496,354 artists in terms of the prestige of where their art was exhibited. They wanted to find out what factor made it more likely for artists to have their work consistently exhibited at high-prestige institutions.

Their analyses revealed that the determining factor that separated the elite artists from others was neither their talent nor prolificacy, but the strength of their networks.

Artists with strong networks were almost five times more likely to have their works sold in comparison to artists with weak networks. Furthermore, the average maximum price of artists with strong networks was nearly $200,000, while that of the artists with weak networks was barely above $40,000. Finally, artists with strong networks were more likely to maintain their status as elites, as opposed to artists with weak networks who were more likely to quit their careers.

The lesson here is straightforward: Your network plays a big role in determining your net worth, especially in fields where everyone is equally talented and committed to excellence.

Big Idea #3 From the Bible

Genesis 14:1-5 describes a unique system of government that I found interesting, particularly because it is the first time such a system is mentioned in the Bible.

Prior to Genesis 14, people who founded cities and towns became the kings of those towns, while other inhabitants became their subjects.

However, the story in Genesis 14 describes a system of government where the subjects in a kingdom were also kings.

This is a corrupted archetype of God’s perfect system of government where, as believers, we have been called to be “a royal priesthood” and “kings and priests unto our God”.

In the perfect iteration of the system, each subject is a king and priest who is happy to exercise dominion in their particular domain of competence – even as they submit themselves to the authority of the King of kings.

In the imperfect form, however, the kings revolted against the leading king. This is a primordial example of how a system built solely on rationality will always crumble under its own weight in the long run. Without an acknowledgement of God, an imitation of his system is an experiment doomed to fail.

May the Lord give you understanding in these things.

Three Big Ideas: On Identity, Fundamental Attribution, and, Righteousness Accounts

Big Idea #1 From Me

If you want to change your life, changing your identity is often a good place to start.

But before you can understand how to change your identity, you need to understand 3 fundamental basics concerning identity.

First, you have multiple identities. A man can be a father, a son, a husband, an employer, a pastor, a spirit man and many more. The man possesses all these identities at the same time.

Second, your identity is not stable. Even though it appears to be stable, your perception of who you are, changes from time to time, based on the immediate context that you find yourself in. The same man that is an aggressive taskmaster as an employee at work becomes harmless, soft and emotional when playing with his newborn baby at home. It’s all in the context.

Thirdly, while identity is never stable because you have multiple identities at the same time, your desire to use your identity to make meaning of your life is always constant. This is why you would never act in a manner that is not consistent with your identity. If an action does not make sense to the identity that is on your mind at the moment, you would not follow through with it.

With that said, how can you change your identity to set yourself up for victory over sin and destructive habits?

The first step is to develop clarity about the new identity you desire to express constantly. For instance, as a believer, my identity is that I am born of the Spirit. As a result, I am a spirit too. What are my characteristics as one born of the Spirit? According to the Bible, it means that I am righteousholy, and wise. Alternatively, you may decide that you want to be a serial, best-selling author. What are the characteristics of best-selling authors? Well, for one, they make time to write in the mornings and/or evenings every day!

Once you have clarity about the identity you wish you express in your life, you need to find a way to make that identity stay stable in your mind. The way this is done is through constant consciousness. And here is the part where a lot of us fall short. You cannot merely wish, woo, or command your consciousness of a particular identity to jump on you. The truth is that people are sensitive to what their immediate context implies for their identities. That is why stability in identity only comes from repeatedly experiencing contexts that overall feel the same over time. As a believer, this is referred to as ‘renewing of your mind’ where you consistently expose your mind to as many different contexts for the new identity you seek to manifest. For instance, being wise in my spiritual identity might mean resisting the devil in one context, while also meaning fleeing fornication in another context. The same thing is applicable in the example of the person who wants to be a best-selling author. By choosing to write every morning, you’re showing that you’re consistent and disciplined, which might also mean that you work out every evening in one context, while also meaning that you would not check your mails until 12 noon.

Finally, you need to have an interpretation and plan for the difficulties that you would inevitably encounter. Learn to reframe difficulties as important milestones you need to pass to reinforce your identity. For instance, as a believer, trials and temptations are bound to arise. However, when I rename these temptations or trials as pathways to growth, I am more likely going to keep my mind on the identity of being born of the spirit. Similarly, for the person that wants to write a best-selling book, a time would come when it would become a bit difficult to stay consistent and disciplined. The individual that interprets these difficulties as a necessary path to greatness would ride over the waves of challenges and would arrive at his expected destination in the long run.

When you operate from an identity paradigm, the difficulties you experience become the path you need to take to arrive at the better you that desire. The truth is that while your identity influences your actions, your actions also have an effect on your identity. When you act in a way that aligns with your desired identity, you reinforce that identity; and when you act in a way that does not align with your identity, you’re dismissing the importance of that identity you desire.

Big Idea #2 From Research

In their classic 1984 paper, Current Issues in Attribution Theory and Research, John Harvey and Gifford Weary reviewed the reasons why, as humans, we are often guilty of grossly overestimating the power that our personalities have on many aspects of our lives.

Yet, when you think about it, you’d realize that in your day-to-day activities, your environment is arguably at least as important as your personality.

Your environment influences the kind of options you have for food. For instance, yams do not grow in the United States, and as a consequence, they do not eat pounded yam. Similarly, apples do not grow in Nigeria, making it impossible to eat apple pies over there.

The environment also plays a key role in the type of clothes you will wear, which will, in turn, affect your appearance. Take a moment and ponder on this: No matter how fanatic an individual is as a Christian, she will still put on a shawl if she happens to be in the deserts of the Middle East. Failure to do so will make her vulnerable to the dusty winds of that region.

When you reduce the idea of what one eats or wears to the barest concept, you’d find them for what they really are.

They are decisions that you make without actively thinking.

Why? Because the environment you are situated in determines the range of your choices.

My point is simple: If the environment can influence our decisions in the form of the food we eat, or the clothes we wear, why do we fail to see its impact on other aspects of our decision making?

It’s because we are all guilty of committing the Fundamental Attribution Error.

According to researchers, the fundamental attribution error is the tendency to underestimate environmental factors and overestimate the role of personality in determining all forms of behavior – including quality decision making.

And you see the result in our societies today:

People identify as depressed individuals, while totally ignoring the fact that they might be in a depressing physical or social environment.

There are discontented individuals and families all over the world who are neck-deep in debt but fail to see how the prevalent culture of materialism and immediate gratification has made them vulnerable to buying unnecessary things.

Your personality may affect the quality of your decisions, but your environment is the real game-changer. It will make or break you.

Big Idea #3 From Bible

Romans 4:20-22 says, “He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God; And being fully persuaded that, what He had promised, He was able also to perform. And therefore it was imputed unto him for righteousness”

The first thing we note is that Abraham did not waver at all concerning God’s promises for him. In his epistles to the early church, James explains that anyone who wavers is not walking in faith and as a result, such person cannot (that is, “is totally unable to”) receive anything from God.

Abraham refused to waver. Instead, he grew stronger as a result of his being empowered by faith. And how did Abraham get empowered by faith? He gave praise to God!!! Abraham arrived at a point where he was established and firmly rooted in his faith in God. He abounded and multiplied in that faith as a result of thanksgiving to God. Never underestimate the power of thanksgiving and praise, they go a long way in helping you release your faith in God.

Abraham was fully confident and assured that the same God who had promised him was also able and mighty enough to keep the Word that had been promised. In response, God declared Abraham to be a righteous man!!!

This is a very, very profound truth. If you can grasp it, this truth has the potential to change how you view God’s righteousness.

You see, it’s amazing how people can easily believe that God spoke the entire world into existence. In fact, we find it relatively easy to believe that God’s Word “became flesh and dwelt among us”.

Yet, when it comes to righteousness by faith, we find ourselves at our wit’s end.

All Abraham did was to believe God’s Word and God looked at Abraham and said, “YOU ARE A RIGHTEOUS MAN!!!”

Do you know what I consider to be the most amazing thing about this truth?

It is the promise itself!

According to the account of this story in Genesis, we realize that God’s promise to Abraham was a son. Not that Abraham would be saved or won’t go to hell!

And because Abraham believed with every fiber of his being, he was put in right standing with God as a man who had had righteousness ‘credited’ into his account.

If God could do this mightily for a man who believed God’s promise for a son, why do you still find it difficult to relate with the truth that God’s grace has saved you and you have received God’s righteousness by faith?

May the Lord grant you understanding in these things.

The Psychological Significance of the Bible Stories: David and Goliath

Stories in the Bible are compelling because they are packed with multiple layers of meaning. One reason for this is that the Bible stories describe reality on different levels at the same time. 

Christians are already familiar with how the Bible describes the realities of the spiritual realm. We are made aware of how we can either yield ourselves to the influence of God and angels in the kingdom of heaven or to the devil and demons in the kingdom of darkness. There’s no middle ground. He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad. In the David and Goliath story, David was victorious because he was under the influence of God’s Kingdom and Goliath lost because he wasn’t. It couldn’t be any simpler.

The same David and Goliath story describes the realities of an “objective”, physical realm. In a talk he did years ago, Malcolm Gladwell, the bestselling New York Times journalist, gave an account of the David and Goliath story from another perspective. According to Gladwell, Goliath had a medical condition known as acromegaly which is the result of the overproduction of growth hormones by the pituitary gland in the brain. People with acromegaly have enlarged body parts and may experience symptoms such as impaired vision and limited mobility. If he indeed had acromegaly with its attendant symptoms, Malcolm Gladwell argued that from the onset of the face-off with David, Goliath was doomed to suffer defeat. The lesson here is that physical advantages can spell your doom in another context. As the Yoruba people say, The hand of a child cannot reach the ceiling, the hand of an adult cannot enter a gourd. 

The Bible stories also describe the world of phenomena perceived from the viewpoint of subjective human consciousness and experience. Indeed, despite the conflict between science and religion, the Bible still remains the oldest psychological book. This post will be unpacking some of the psychological insights compressed into the David and Goliath story.

Whoever Controls the Frames, Holds the Power

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Let’s imagine a scenario with two men. The first man, Mr. A, is well-to-do and has 4 cars, while Mr. B has only 1 car. If you were to give both men an additional car each, which man will be happier? Studies have suggested that Mr. B will feel a greater amount of happiness than Mr. A. Similarly, if you were to take one car away each from both men, Mr. B will feel more pain than Mr. A.

But that leaves an important question: Why would both men feel a different degree of happiness (or sadness) when the same number of cars is given (or taken away) from them? The reason is fairly straightforward. Both men are in different initial states. In other words, they have different frames of reference. Mr. A already has 4 cars, so giving or taking away one car from his collections is not going to affect his happiness much. On the other hand, taking away one car from Mr. B is likely to be hurtful to him because that will mean that he no longer has a car. And when you give Mr. B a car, his happiness will be great because you have literally doubled the number of cars he has!

People’s behaviors in a particular context are dependent on the frames of reference that are active in that context. In the presence of food, a man who just arrived from a dinner date will behave very differently from a man who hasn’t had anything to eat in the past three days. Similarly, on a hot day, the individual who has been indoors all day will not drink as much water as the individual who just came back from a run. Frames of reference even change rapidly from moment to moment. That explains, for instance, why the first bite you take while eating a meal is more satisfying than subsequent bites. At each moment, you’re in a different place, psychologically speaking.

In the David and Goliath story, you find that Goliath held psychological power over the Israelites because he changed everyone’s frames of reference. Even though the Israelites were in the same physical place with the Philistine soldiers, the two armies were in different psychological spaces.

Under normal circumstances, opposing armies simply arranged themselves in position and fought. Every soldier knew his tactical and strategic roles, as well as what was expected of him. What constituted victory and defeat was clear and members of the opposing factions conducted themselves accordingly.

By changing the rules of engagement, Goliath redefined the criteria for victory and defeat. Rather than fight in a war where victory was determined by the military savviness of the warring armies, Goliath wanted man-on-man combat:

Choose a man for yourselves and have him come down to me. If he is able to fight with me and kill me, then we will become your servants; but if I prevail against him and kill him, then you shall become our servants and serve us.” Again the Philistine said, “I defy the battle lines of Israel this day; give me a man so that we may fight together.” 

The amazing part of this story is not just Goliath’s 9-foot frame or the sophistication of his weapons. Rather, it is the fact that he dictated the frames of reference for everyone on the battleground and everyone behaved as though they agreed – consciously or unconsciously. No one engaged according to the rules of combat they were already familiar with. Rather everyone, particularly the Israelites, were paralyzed into a state of passive compliance.

As an interesting comparison, when you place an animal in an unfamiliar space – before it starts to sniff around for threats and opportunities – it freezes in a state of inaction. This is the observation that informs the colloquial expression, “Looking like a deer caught in the headlights”. By controlling the frames of reference, Goliath took the Israelites to a place they were unfamiliar with. And when you are in a place you are unfamiliar with, you will look like a deer caught in the headlights. That’s why whoever controls the frames of reference in an interaction wields the power in that interaction.

Also worthy of note is how God inspired David to defeat Goliath by the same rules that the behemoth had laid out. Just as Goliath had changed the rules of combat and took the Israelite army into unknown territory, David also changed the frames for Goliath.

And the Philistine said to David, “Come to me, and I will give your flesh to the birds of the air and the beasts of the field!”

As Malcolm Gladwell noted in the talk referenced earlier, Goliath expected to engage in close combat with whoever came forward to fight for the honor of the Israelites. That had been the implicit terms of the frames of reference he had laid out for the battle.

Then David put his hand in his bag and took out a stone; and he slung it and struck the Philistine in his forehead, so that the stone sank into his forehead, and he fell on his face to the earth. So David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone, and struck the Philistine and killed him….

The last thing Goliath expected was to have a projectile hurled towards his forehead at speed from distance. Yet, that was exactly what happened as he embarked on a one-way trip to a psychological space foreign to him. The tables had turned and now, it was Goliath’s “deer-caught-in-the-headlights” moment from which he could never recover.

Error is Variation and You Need More in Your Life

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In a previous post, I talked about how the life of the average person in the 21st century is devoid of variation. Individuals who permit variation in their lives are more likely to encounter alternative histories with potentially life-changing outcomes. They are the ones likely to forge quality relationships at a networking event. They are the ones likely to come in contact with paradigm-shifting ideas that could revolutionize entire fields and industries.

When we think about David’s life leading up to the encounter with Goliath, we find that the kind of life he led afforded him the opportunity to incorporate variation into his day-to-day existence.

But David occasionally went and returned from Saul to feed his father’s sheep at Bethlehem

David occasionally left the routine, security, and predictability of the king’s palace to confront the unknown as a shepherd in the wilderness. As a result, David was exposed to more variability than he would never have encountered in a controlled environment like in the city. 

For instance, at some point, David would have had to care for numerous sheep who may have gotten injured or sick at unpredictable times. Despite this not happening every day, the occurrence of sickness or injury to sheep in a flock remained within the realm of possibilities. Because these events could not be predicted ahead of time, David must have developed the skills necessary for taking care of a sheep when it was sick or injured.

In the same vein, David was exposed to the uncertain weather elements as he discharged his duties in the wilderness. Since there were no meteorological devices at the time, David needed to be ready for the possibility of sudden weather changes. As soon as the first raindrops fell from the sky, David had to find a way to get himself and the sheep under the shelter. Again, weather changes are always a possibility, even if they do not happen all the time. Over time, David must have developed the skills for coordinating his father’s sheep in response to sudden changes in the elements.

Finally, David was more likely to encounter wild animals in the wilderness than within the protected walls of the city. Note that hungry predators do not announce their intentions in advance. Rather, they all show up without any prior warning. In response to the possibilities of attack, David must have developed self-defense skills to keep himself and the sheep safe as they roamed the wilderness.

Indeed, life is like a series of games with different rules running at the same time. The more wide-ranging your skills are, the higher your probabilities of winning a good number of these games. You are equipped with the wide-ranging skills necessary for winning only when you are willing to confront the unknown by incorporating variation in your life. 

Leaders are not Born, They are Shaped

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Humans have the ability to categorize things into groups based on their similarity. Broadly speaking, people that have the same physical features can be said to belong to the same racial group. Fluorine, Chlorine, and, Iodine, are all elements possessing overlapping chemical and physical properties. As a result, they are said to belong to the same chemical group. This tendency for categorization is not limited to just tangibles, such as physical appearances or chemical compositions, but also our experiences. Experiences that make us feel a particular way are perceived by the mind as belonging to the same category.

In his conversation with King Saul, notice how David lumped the dead lion, the dead bear and a still living Goliath into the same category:

But David said to Saul, “Your servant used to keep his father’s sheep, and when a lion or a bear came and took a lamb out of the flock, I went out after it and struck it, and delivered the lamb from its mouth; and when it arose against me, I caught it by its beard, and struck and killed it. Your servant has killed both lion and bear; and this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them, seeing he has defied the armies of the living God.” Moreover David said, “The Lord, who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear, He will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine.”

David could not have been confident in his ability to defeat Goliath if he had not gotten the experience of defeating the lion and bear. Likewise, there was no way David would have defeated the violent beasts of prey if he had not been exposed to the possibility of such events in the wilderness. Indeed, the most dependable people in times of crisis are those who have habitually confronted the unknown with courage over time.

Many people desire victory over the Goliaths that rear up their ugly faces in their lives. Unfortunately, they cannot recall a single event where they confronted the unknown and emerged victorious. This is because they have no experiences in their histories that fall into that category of personal victories. All they have ever done is run away from the slightest scent of discomfort. As a result, such people will produce that famed “deer-caught-in-the-headlights” reaction when faced with uncertainty.

It has been said that leaders are not born, they are forged. Exceptional leaders are shaped into what they are, by the gradual, repeated exposure to various situations where the odds are stacked heavily against them. David did not just wake up overnight with the confidence to confront Goliath. On the contrary, that confidence had been shaped into him by the events that played out in the wilderness. The comparatively ‘smaller’ victories God gave David over the bear and the lion created experiences that could be categorized into his mind as the same thing. Consequently, as David faced Goliath, all he saw was another event waiting to be filed into his category of personal victories. And that’s exactly what played out.

How to be the Wisest One in the Room: Maps, Circles, and Axioms

In the beginning, all that existed was God – the peerless Personification of perfection, pulchritude and perception. At the appointed kairos time, God acted out the model for moving to a desired state of being from an undesired one. With the Logos, He pried out specific order out of multiple alternative histories combating for preeminence in a soup of potentialities. We call these multiple alternative histories chaos. Then, God looked at the order He had created and said it was good.

At all levels of existence – individual, familial, societal – people desire to be in a state of being that is an improvement on their current states, whatever that might be. For many people, however, this state remains in the realm of uncrystallized potential. Why? People have learned to tolerate the status quo and shy away from whatever better state there might be.

The wisest one in the room is the person who can move from an undesired current state to a more desired one. They follow God’s model by stepping into a situation, taming chaos, and extracting order from it. The wisest ones are those who can crystallize gestalts of meaning from the fogs of potential. This is not necessarily easy, as life’s complicated and there are billions of ways that issues and events can be arranged in your mind to make sense of them. Many of these arrangements will not make your life’s experiences any better, and some might even make matters worse – just ask the nihilists and rationalists! That said, there are also specific attitudes of perception that will put you in the right frame to dissolve chaos, while bringing you closer to that state God has prepared for you. Three of them are discussed in this article.

1. Be Humble Enough to Understand that Your Map is Not the Territory

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Your worldview is built on certain assumptions that may be very different from reality. For instance, sentences in English and many similar languages are in the form of actor-action. The unspoken assumption of such languages is that an act can never occur in the absence of an actor. Hence, we have sentences like “The rain is falling”, where the rain is an actor carrying out the action of falling. Contrast that with the Hopi language, where an action can occur without an actor acting anything out. When the Hopi speaker describes the phenomenon of rainfall, he simply says “Raining”. He is not concerned with what caused the rain to fall. Unlike his English-speaking counterpart, the underlying assumption of the Hopi speaker makes him focus on the meaning of an event, rather than on its cause!

Which language do you think has the upper hand in describing reality? The honest answer is that we do not know. English and Hopi are both valid languages that describe aspects of reality. None is better than the other. English prevents you from seeing the significance of a phenomenon, and Hopi may kill your curiosity about causal factors at the roots of that phenomenon. Yet, reality has both causes and meanings that extend beyond our perceptions. The wisest one in the room is humble enough to acknowledge that he may hold assumptions blinding him to certain aspects of reality.

When making a physical map, cartographers assume that critters, trees, rocks, electric poles and grasses are a constant occurrence wherever you go. As a result, these details are never depicted, despite being present in the territory that is being mapped. In the same way, as you navigate through life, your maps about the operations of the world are riddled with assumptions that pervert your perceptions from seeing reality.

Note that assumptions are not always all bad or useless. The world we live in is complex and events do not fall into neat categories. Hence, assumptions can be useful in helping the mind act more efficiently. The brain does this by lumping things that are similar into the same categories. This enables us to focus our attention and resources on the information that matters: threats and opportunities. Without assumptions, we’d all be in a state of action paralysis, as we’d have to expend mental effort determining whether every information is a threat or an opportunity – regardless of whether they are familiar or not.

In what Thomas Nagel, an American philosopher, called the View from Nowhere, there is an objective reality that describes the inherent nature of things. I prefer to call this the “View from God’s Perspective”. On its own, no human mind will ever see this objective View from Nowhere. This is because we all approach reality through our maps which have been shaped by our experiences in our pasts. The consequence is that when your girlfriend says, “Let’s be objective”, what she’s really seeking out is consensus by agreement, not objectivity! The same thing plays out in every kind of human interaction.

Understanding that the Map is not the Territory is a superpower that accomplishes two things: First, it makes you more humble. Solomon, the original philosopher-king, wrote, “Surely He [God] scorns the scornful, but gives grace to the humble”. Humility is coming to the realization that you really do not know everything, and all you know has been shaped by your own map. Those who choose to be the know-it-alls and sophisticates will inevitably encounter the humbling curveballs that life throws at them. The humble, on the other hand, “will inherit the earth”. As it were, the survival of the fittest is in reality the survival of the most humble. Secondly, when you recognize that the Map is not the Territory, you become more open-minded and understanding of others. You start to see that others do not know everything too. You begin to understand that their motivations and perceptions are only shaped by the maps with which they see the world.

Today, there are not many people who are willing to accept that the maps with which they see the world can be outdated or wrong. Such people are married to their maps and have formed an emotional bond with it. They will defend the rightness of their maps with every fiber of their being. On the other hand, those who will thrive in uncertain or novel terrains share one characteristic: They are all individuals who are humble enough and willing to accept that their maps may be wrong. As a result, they are better able to learn and adapt to new terrains and survive.

2. Know the Boundaries of your Circle of Competence. If you don’t have any, find one

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As a human being, you neither have the luxury of time nor resources to be the master of all domains. However, because people have different histories and past experiences, there are fields of endeavor where they can choose and learn to thrive in their element. The reason is fairly straightforward. People who are in their circle of competence have often already devoted sufficient time and effort in their pasts to be proficient in their domains. Problems arise for the individual that tries to compete in a domain where he has zero competence. Such persons end up being crushed into oblivion. It’s nothing personal, it’s just the way the world works. Therefore, a major task in your life is to identify that domain where your history and past experiences can give you a comparative advantage. It’s your responsibility to “[b]e fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion…” in your domain of competence.

If you have not identified your domain of competence, here are a few useful recommendations:

First, you can hone into a specific fragment of a broad field and/or dig deep into the foundations upon which that fragment is built. Most people do not have the patience, resources, discipline, or time to commit to such depths. However, by applying yourself to this method, you can have a relatively easy path to creating your circle of competence. In the broad automobile industry, companies such as Lamborghini or Rolls Royce are not just in the business of manufacturing cars. Rather, they remain profitable by staying focused on a specific slice of the automobile market – those interested in luxury cars. Such is the impact of finding and sticking to your domain of competence.

Alternatively, you can explore the overlaps that exist between unrelated domains of endeavor. One of the reasons why life can be complicated is that events are more interconnected than humans acknowledge. These overlaps have been criminally under-investigated and there is a big demand for people who are willing to devote the time, resources and mental effort to identify associations between fields that appear to be unrelated. As an example, Norbert Wiener investigated the overlaps between mathematics, physiology, engineering and psychology to develop a whole new field of cybernetics and control theory.

Furthermore, you can create your circle of competence by reproducing ideas that are geographically or chronologically separated from you. For instance, there are certain commonplace ideas, goods and services in 3rd-world countries that are highly desirable in developed countries, and vice versa. The same thing plays out when you consider the differences between rural and urban areas. Another area that is commonly overlooked is the past. A common assumption among people living in an epoch is that their generation has an overall better quality of life than previous generations. This is not necessarily the case. In fact, it can be argued that there are areas of contemporary life that are worse than that of previous generations. Nonetheless, this kind of ‘chronological superiority’ makes people in a generation disregard beneficial ideas and innovations from the past. As in other cases, you can create your circle of competence by visiting the past and extracting ideas that can be of service to your generation. Stoicism is an idea from Ancient Greece that has received a new lease of life in the past 5 years. There are tons of similar ideas that are waiting to be unearthed.

The wisest one in the room is the individual who has identified his circle of competence. Whenever he’s faced with problems that fall within his domain, he rises up to the challenge and solves them. And when the problem is outside his reach, he is not afraid to defer them to others better suited to solve them. That probably explains the following tongue-in-cheek remark from the wisest king who ever lived: “Even a fool is counted wise when he holds his peace; When he shuts his lips, he is considered perceptive”. 

3. Learn the Power of First-Principles Thinking

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The complications that often arise in life are usually because our unknown unknowns exceed our known unknowns. In other words, the things we do not know we are ignorant of are more than the things we know we are ignorant of. To untangle these complications, we have to identify the assumptions upon which these issues are built. Some of the assumptions mapped onto an issue are a function of the individual’s personal history and experiences. Nevertheless, there are other assumptions that can remain central and true to an issue, regardless of the individual’s past experiences, gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic status or religion. These central assumptions are referred to as axioms. The more common name is “first principles”.

In a conversation with His disciples about the greatest in the kingdom of God, Jesus said, “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven…” In other words, access to certain aspects of reality will be obscured from you until you are possessed with the spirit of a child. Consider, as an example, the curiosity of a child. Due to their inquisitive nature, children question answers till they arrive at a point where they are satisfied. When you give a child a meaningful answer, you’d better be prepared to go on a journey that’s at least 4 – 5 layers deep to satisfy them. This is because each of your answers will be met with the response, ‘Why?’. As children grow up, however, they learn to conflate childishness with childlikeness in the name of appearing mature. They stop asking ‘Why?’ A natural consequence of this is the propagation of dangerous narratives, ideas and ideologies as people no longer have a willingness to question anything. First-principles thinking is a return to this childlikeness.

Broadly speaking, the ability to engage in first principles thinking is useful in at least two ways.

First, it can be useful in helping you untangle complicated problems. A classic example of how first principles are used to resolve complicated issues can be found in the way the Allied forces handled the 1945 Nuremberg trials.

Prior to the end of World War 2, the extent of human rights violations perpetrated by Nazi Germans on Jews were not known. With victory secured for the Allied Forces (Britain, Soviet Russia, France, China and the US) after the surrender of the Nazi leaders in 1945, the horrors of life at the Nazi concentration camps became widely published. However, a complication came up. There were no international guidelines for trying war crimes on the scale of those perpetuated by Nazi Germany. Although everyone knew the Nazi leaders had sanctioned orders that left carnage and destruction in its wake, there were no laws that classified such actions as crimes. As a result, the Nazi leaders could defend their actions by claiming “…where no law is, there is no trangression. Furthermore, trying the German war criminals according to Soviet laws could potentially raise issues with the US or Britain. Trials based on US or British laws could also raise the same concerns among other members of the Allied Forces. 

To resolve this, members of the Nuremberg tribunal had to think in terms of first principles. They identified and agreed upon the fundamental assumptions a person must hold before he could sanction the execution of war crimes on a population group. Once this was settled, prosecuting the Nazi German leaders became more straightforward.

The second way that first-principles thinking can be useful is when you are interested in testing whether the maps with which you navigate through life are obsolete or incomplete. As we’ve already established, many people’s outlook on life is informed by the stories and narratives that have been passed on to them from other people in their lives. Because stories are very compelling, few people take the time to question the assumptions that power such narratives. Like a child clutching on to his toy, people learn to see the narratives as their own – refusing to part ways with them. In this state, anyone who doesn’t share the same narrative is seen as the enemy. It’s no wonder that we live in interesting times where people are divided along ideological lines. This is a dangerous place to be in. When one learns how to engage in first principles thinking, it becomes easy to identify and avoid narratives that are built on wrong foundations. Here’s the bitter truth: Unless people take the time to ask themselves the uncomfortable questions about the assumptions powering their ideologies or worldviews, we can expect a future of friction and division.

The wisest ones in the room are those are refuse to be distracted by irrelevancies obscuring the first-principles upon which an issue rests. They are the ones who are comfortable with asking ‘Why?’ until it hurts, and then some. These ones embrace their childlike curiosity and inquisitiveness for the purpose of getting to the roots of an issue. Because of their willingness to do this, they are rewarded with the lucidity that eludes the yes-men and echo chambers. They access raw wisdom and enter the kingdom of heaven – starting from here on earth!