Three Big Ideas: On Behavior Repertoires, Hedonic Consequences, and Revisiting History

Big Idea #1 From Me

At any given moment in time, there’s a range of behaviors you can perform.

I call this your behavioral repertoire.

Here’s an example that will help you visualize what I mean:

As you are seated/lying down in your bedroom, reading these words, you can decide to stand up and touch the wall closest to you. The probability of this happening is high, right?

Do you also know that you are capable of touching the ceiling with your feet?

But the probability of that behavior happening is very low. As a result, that behavior is collapsed within your repertoire. That’s why you probably can’t recall a time when you placed your feet on the ceiling in your room, even though it is something that is possible.

Now, let’s assume someone brings a double-bunk bed to your room and asked you to sleep on the top bunk. What would happen to the probability of you putting your feet on the ceiling (if you choose to)?

It will increase dramatically!

In life, some behaviors in your repertoire will bring you closer to your destiny, while others will collapse opportunities, thus taking you away from the destination God had prepared for you from the foundations of the world.

And still, some behaviors in your repertoire will never be expressed unless there are enabling factors in your immediate environment.

Here’s the wisdom in the paradigm:

  • Amplify those behaviors that will bring you closer to the fulfillment of your potential.
  • Extinguish those that will take you away from destiny.
  • Stay sensitive to discern whether a change is necessary in your environment for the right behaviors to be expressed.

Big Idea #2 From Research

In a study titled “Hedonic Consequences of Social Comparison: A Contrast of Happy and Unhappy Individuals”, researchers Sonja Lyubomirsky and Lee Ross asked people to teach children simple maths.

The people were divided into 2 groups.

For some, after they had taught the children, they were told ‘good job’. For others, in addition to being told they had done a good job, they were also told that other participants had done a better job.

After receiving feedback, the two groups of participants were asked to rate how happy they felt about their job performance.

Unsurprisingly, those who received the extra information in the form of comparison to an alternative group were less happy than those who were just told they did a good job.

My key takeaway is this: Don’t build your happiness on things that change. If you’re hell-bent on comparing yourself with others, you’d find that there’s always going to be someone wealthier, prettier, or more knowledgeable. If you must compare, compare yourself with where you’re coming from and where you’re headed to. Remind yourself: The story isn’t over yet!

Big Idea #3 From the Bible

Ecclesiastes 1:9, 11 says, The thing that had been is that which shall be, and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there’s no new thing under the sun…There’s no remembrance of the former things; neither shall there be any remembrance of things that are to come with those that come after”

Every question you’d ever ask on this side of eternity has been answered in some shape or form by people in the past.

This reminds me of a quote by German poet, Friedrich von Schlegel, who said, ‘The historian is a prophet in reverse’

By being a student of history, you can identify patterns in the past that will position you for opportunities in the present and future, when they arise.

This principle applies to both your personal history and historical events in general.

History is valuable when it compounds. However, if your memory of it decays over time, it will be useless to you.

Unless you take deliberate effort to harness the power of revisiting history, you will always be caught up in the present moment without an understanding of your roles in it. 

There’s a reason the men of Issachar (1 Chron 12:32) were called men of understanding…

May the Lord give you understanding in these things.

Three Big Ideas: On MLK, the Chinese Language, and Digging for Gold

Big Idea #1 From Me

One price of success is the higher scrutiny you will be subject to.

Perhaps the reason you’re still at your current level is because of the private battles you’ve not won yet.

Perhaps God is protecting you and you’re experiencing a dimension of grace to change your ways before it’s too late.

Everyone knows the role that Martin Luther King Jr (MLK) played in the civil rights movement.

Naturally, because of his prominent role in the struggle against inequality, MLK was subject to greater scrutiny by the powers that be.

What they found wasn’t pretty.

Behind the cool, calm and charismatic Reverend that gave the “I have a dream” speech, the FBI found a man who drank, smoked, spoke vulgar and had multiple sexual partners.

While some of the FBI findings were released sometime in 2019, this image of MLK had been painted by his associates in books they wrote as far back as the 1980s.

If you look through the annals of history, you’d find it littered with the blood and bones of great men who may have gotten public victories but were limited by their private battles.

I’m reminded of the story of the two wolves:

‘A fight is going on inside every person. It’s a terrible fight between two wolves. One is evil and the other is good. The wolf that will win is the one that is fed”

This story is instructive.

Take care of your private battles. Do everything in your power to avoid joining the list of casualties on the road to destiny.

Big Idea #2 From Research

In his journal paper titled, The Effect of Language on Economic Behavior: Evidence from Savings Rate, Health Behavior and Retirement Savings, researcher Keith Chen showed that people who spoke languages which made no separation between the present and the future were more likely to make good decisions in the present that led to better future outcomes.

Consider two languages: English and Chinese.

Suppose you want to tell someone that you’re going to save money when you get paid your salary at the end of the month.

If you’re speaking English, you’d say:

“I WILL save money at the end of the month”

As you can see, there’s a separation between the present and the action you want to take in the future.

On the other hand, in Chinese, that separation doesn’t exist. A Chinese speaker wanting to express the same idea will say something which when translated to English will mean,

“I save money at the end of the month”

By running analysis with tons of data from different countries, the study demonstrated that people from cultures where the language did not separate the present from the future were more likely to save more, retire with wealth, smoke less and maintain a healthy weight. This seems to support the hypothesis that the way ‘future time’ is talked about influences the way ‘future time’ is thought about. If your language prevents you from seeing your future as disconnected from your present, you are less likely to take your actions in the present with levity.

My key takeaway from the study is that your words have an impact on your thoughts which will, in turn, influence your actions. To change your life, start with the manner you speak.

Big Idea #3 From the Bible

Proverbs 21:5 says, “The thoughts of the diligent tend only to plenteousness, but everyone that is hasty only to want”

The word translated “diligent” implies the continual act of mining for gold or digging a trench.

No one digs for gold by striking the topsoil once with a shovel before giving up.

Yet, when we think, we don’t hold our thoughts and spiritual impressions long enough for them to take root.

The Bible promises that if you’re diligent with the thoughts that God impresses upon your heart in the same manner a man mining for gold continues to digs, you will lead a fulfilling life.

Perhaps the reason you’re facing chaos in your life is because you’re too hasty in thought – refusing to consider a thought long enough before jumping into your next bout of busyness and distraction.

May the Lord grant you understanding in these things.

The Kanisza Triangle: Why There’s Much Food in the Tillage of the Poor

Look at the featured image above.

What do you see?

If you’re like most people,  you’d see two triangles planted on top of three circles.

And like most people, you’d be wrong.

As it turns out, there are no circles or triangles in the shape above.

What is perceived as circles are actually three black shapes oriented at different angles.

What is seen as the dark triangle is simply a series of Vs arranged in different ways.

And of course, there is no white triangle at all. You totally made that up on your own!

So, what does this teach us?

People find it easy to remain blind to the obvious.

People looking at the Kanisza Triangle easily see the white triangle that is not even in the picture, yet they miss the Vs that are staring at them.

In the same vein, people look at their environments and only see chaos.

They look at their circumstances and conclude that there’s nothing good that can come out of it.

Yet, right there in the midst of the chaos are opportunities begging to be crystallized.

Little wonder Proverbs 13:23 says, “Much food is in the tillage of the poor…”

The mind hates gaps and when faced with them, will subconsciously create fillers

In the image above, the triangles and circles you saw were not there.

They were creations of your imagination.

In the same way, people have a tendency to make up assumptions about how the world works.

To counter this, you must be humble enough to acknowledge that there will be times when you are working with faulty or incomplete assumptions.

In instances like this, don’t be afraid to reach out and ask for wisdom.

James 1:7 says, ‘If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.’


Order is the inherent nature of the world God created, and there are still obscured patterns waiting to be uncovered.

Proverbs 25:2 says, “It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honor of kings is to search out a matter.”

To see these things, however, you must take a step away from crowd-think and hone your skills of perception.

Helplessness is Learned: When You Feel Your Life Spinning Out of Control

In the 1960s, Richard Solomon and his team of researchers conducted a simple experiment.

They got some dogs, restrained them, and, gave them about 64 electric shocks.

The following day, the dogs were placed in a special box with two compartments separated by a short barrier.

The idea was that if the floor of one compartment was electrified, the dog could hop over the barrier and escape into the other side.

However, that wasn’t what happened in Solomon’s experiment.

When the dogs were placed in the special box and the current turned on, they didn’t move an inch.

The dogs were in discomfort, yet, they didn’t do the one thing that could relieve their pain – Jump to the other side!!!

As it turned out, the experience of being restrained and shocked 64 times in one day taught the dogs one thing: No matter what you do, you can’t escape the pain

This phenomenon is called Learned Helplessness

Unfortunately, as a human, you do the same thing.

Unlike computers and phones that are constantly updating to access better functionalities, humans love to build their lives on faulty and incomplete mental models established on incorrect and untested assumptions.

As a result, when you’re pushed to the wall, you are ill-equipped to view the situation from another angle where the solution is more obvious.

In this state, you forget that you are never really helpless or powerless.

You ignore the fact that God deliberately designed you to be a partner with Him in the continually unfolding story of creation.

You forget that God made you to institute order on chaos.

There’s good news, though.

You’re not a dog.

You can make a decision to seize your power back and step into the original way God designed you to function.

I share 3 useful ideas:

1. Elevate Your Perception

The beauty of a painting is not appreciated when you’re kissing it, with your eyes a few millimeters away from the picture.

To enjoy the painting, you need to step back away from it.

In the same way, you fail to see the masterpiece that God is making with your life because you’re too wrapped up in the minutiae of everyday living.

If you simply take a step back, it’s easier to find perspective and find what God is doing in you and through your circumstances.

Learned helplessness melts in the heat of perspective.

2. Your situation is not an isolated one

When going through trying times, humans forget that they are not the only ones who have experienced such circumstances.

No matter how rough the situation it is you’re going through is, there are people who have gone through worse and came through on the other side.

It’s easier to snap out of learned helplessness when you realize that: (a) your situation could have been much worse, and (b) other people in similar or worse circumstances pulled through.

3. There’s always a way of escape

Gavin de Becker once said, “When you worry, ask yourself, what am I choosing not to see right now?”

Learned helplessness is built on a foundation of faulty mental models that are in turn established upon incorrect assumptions of reality.

Once you understand this, you’d realize that you have no problem but a perception problem.

The fact that you’re faced with a situation means you have what it takes to get out of it.

Open your eyes and heart and stay sensitive, you’d realize that the answer is closer than you think.

The Reason You’re Not Getting Anything Out of Books

There’s always an element of difficulty that accompanies the pursuit of mastery.

People who go on hiking or mountain climbing could use vehicles and helicopters to get to their destinations. But, in addition to the feeling of accomplishment that comes from completing the climb or hike, there is also something about the journey that changes those who embark on it.

The same can be said about a good book. When you pick up a book, you should experience a “stretching of the limits of your mind to new dimensions.” This stretching should be uncomfortable, as old patterns of thought are uprooted and newer ones installed.

Most people walk through life with unchallenged and untested assumptions about how the world works. A good book should give you the opportunity to test those assumptions. Whether those assumptions are right, wrong, or incomplete, a good book will cause tension which will give you the chance to examine the foundations upon which your life’s philosophy rests.

Unfortunately, that’s not the case today with the kinds of books in circulation. Nowadays, we have a glut of information and a poverty of attention. As a result, there are few books in pop culture that are capable of doing any stretching to your mind. Rather, what you’ll see is the same crap recycled over and over again.

That’s why I’d say about 80% of the material in the self-help space is filled with simple, post-modern, watered-down, feel-good, motivational fluff camouflaged as books; each riding on the latest fad while claiming to be the best thing since sliced bread. And the more of these books you read, the more likely you are to suffer mental decadence, as well as action paralysis – a situation of inaction induced by the frequently conflicting ideas that self-help books offer. This is WHY you’re not getting anything out of popular books !!!

To start getting the best out of books, I recommend replacing self-help books with any from these three categories:


There’s really nothing new under the sun.

Every challenge you will ever face has been faced in some shape or form by someone in the past.

When you read a biography that is presented in a balanced manner, you are free to objectively consider the events in the individual’s life without anybody force-feeding you with their opinions. As you are thinking about this person’s life, you are also indirectly examining how you would think if you’re in situations similar to the ones you’re reading about.

In addition to reading about the characters in the Bible, I like researching the stories of interesting people scattered throughout history. I’ve used the stories of people like Hakeem Olajuwon, Barack Obama, Dmitri Mendeleev, Harry Truman among many others to expound upon ideas in my posts.

Historical books

It’s often said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again with the expectation of a different result.

People who ignore history do so to their detriment.

When you read the story of the United States’ involvement in the Vietnam War, it’s hard to understand how the same events could still pan out years later in the Iraq War.

Many unnecessary pains that we face in contemporary times could be avoided if politicians and policymakers paid a little more attention to history.

As of this time, in addition to the Bible, my favorite source of history books include anything written by Robert Greene and Ryan Holiday. I enjoy listening to Malcolm Gladwell’s podcast – Revisionist History.

Recently, I’ve also been trying to read more about the history of the Yoruba people. In what I’ve read so far, I’ve been amazed by the level of societal organization and technological development that my people had as early as the 1400s. I highly recommend you not just reading contemporary global or foreign history, but more about your culture and people.

Books from other fields

If you want to genuinely change your life, you cannot afford to be confined to the self-help space.

Understand this: The idea that will change your life is common knowledge in another field

From reading books on Quantum physics, I came across ideas that ended up inspiring my book Mastering the Art of Observation

Ideas from chemistry inspired this quote which I used in my post, ‘Wisdom Shouts in the Streets: “Everything resorts to chaos, order is enforced by power”

Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution was fully formed after he read books from Geology and Economics.

Read books from biology, economics, sociology, anthropology, philosophy, psychology, chemistry, physics… And even maths!

They will enrich your mind with metaphors that will expand your mind to see the world in ways you never thought possible.

Even more, you don’t need to buy textbooks stuffed with formulas and all that jazz.

Nowadays, there are tons of books that will give you the gist of big ideas from other fields without boring you with mathematical proofs and other unnecessary details. Examples of good ones I’ve read in recent times include The Ghost Map (public health), The Fabric of the Cosmos (physics), The Impossible Will Take a Little While (sociology/political science).


The bulk of self-help books in print today will spoon-feed you with low-level information, thus depriving you of the experience of having your mind stretched.

The way a chick helped to hatch is condemned to life-long weakness, your choice to be spoon-fed mediocrity is severely limiting you.

By changing the kinds of books you read, you can start getting more out of every reading session

Things We Do Because of the Difficulty of Thought

Thinking is hard.

As a result, we try to make use of mental shortcuts to make decisions faster.

These shortcuts are called heuristics, and while they are useful, many times, they lead us down rabbit holes.

The other day, I sat close to a dude in a meeting.

As we got talking, I found that he had relatives from the Middle East.

I concluded that he was a foreigner and a student.

Well, it turns out that I was wrong on both counts.

The dude was neither a student, nor a foreigner, and heuristics lost yet another battle.

The one that amuses me the most is the media’s use of statistics.

You hear stuff like, “70% of people who eat ABC will have XYZ in ten years”

What they don’t tell you is the number of people they are basing that statistic on.

70% of 100000 is 70000 and if that’s the case, maybe ABC has the effect they claim it has.

However, 70% of 10 is 7 people!!!

I’m not saying 7 people are not important, but any effects observed in them is likely due to causes other than eating ABC.

But here’s the interesting thing: Researchers almost always tell you all the numbers involved in arriving at their conclusions.

Yet, the media likes to conveniently ignore the details, while focusing on sensationalism.

And because of heuristics, we gobble up anything they place before us – hook, line, and sinker.

So, what’s my point in all these?

Jesus said, ‘…be wise as serpents, and harmless as doves’ (Matthew 10:16).

A good way towards manifesting that wisdom is knowing when you are misperceiving the truth because of an ‘over-reliance’ on heuristics.

I’m not asking you to be over-analytical and critical in every situation.

All I’m telling you to do is to be aware.

It can change your life!

The Battle of Dunkirk and the Power in the Law of Cognizance

‘Unless you become aware of the spiritual realities, you can never profit from them’

– The Law of Cognizance

The year 1940 saw the Nazi German army at the height of its military superiority during World War II.

At the Battle of Dunkirk, the Allied armies, comprising mostly of British and French soldiers found themselves in a very precarious situation.

The German soldiers had ruthlessly taken advantage of an oversight in the French defensive line, while hitherto neutral nearby nations like the Netherlands and Belgium had also surrendered to the Germans.

This resulted in the Allied forces outmaneuvered and trapped by the German soldiers in all directions.

In addition, the Germans had planes that could fly over the trapped Allied armies and make short work of them with powerful bombs.

And to make matters worse for the Allied forces, retreat was impossible because they were bottled up in a water corridor that was about 97 kilometers deep and 24 kilometers long. There was no way the Allied armies were going to swim the long way home to escape their predicament.

Yet, over the course of 10 days, from May 26 – June 4, 1940, more than 300,000 Allied soldiers were able to escape from Dunkirk with the aid of boats and ships sent from England.

It turned out that for some eerie reasons, the German army momentarily halted its advance towards the trapped soldiers.

For three whole days!

That was more than enough time for the Allied forces to organize their evacuation efforts.

To this day, there is no consensus on why the German army decided to slow down their offensive at Dunkirk for three whole days, when the logical thing to do would have been to continue charging towards the trapped Allied armies and totally crushing them.

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In my opinion, the actions of the German army at the Battle of Dunkirk in 1940 will continue to be a cause of bewilderment to historians for one simple reason. Historians always analyze past events from a solely physical paradigm.

On the other hand, the accounts of war told in the Bible give a more complete picture of the variables that determine the results of different battles fought.

For instance, 1 Chronicles 14:10-17 gives an account of two battles fought between the Israeli army and that of the Philistines.

Before the first battle, King David of the Israeli army inquired from God to see whether he should go ahead and engage the enemy. God gave the king the green light and the result was a rout in favor of Israel.

Soon, another battle with the same enemy became imminent and David inquired of God again – refusing to take spiritual dynamics for granted.

This time, however, God’s instructions were slightly different.

‘…and God said unto him, Go not up after them; turn away from them, and come upon them over against the mulberry trees. And it shall be, when thou shalt hear a sound of going in the tops of the mulberry trees, that then thou shalt go out to battle: for God is gone forth before thee to smite the host of the Philistines. – 1 Chronicles 14:14-15

God asked David to stand under the shade of mulberry trees and listen for the sounds of marching feet!

To the logical mind, that did not make any sense whatsoever.

For starters, you don’t stand idle when the threat of war is real. You gather your resources and prepare your army for battle.

In addition, it is impossible to march on branches and leaves still attached to the trunk of a tree. Besides, to the natural mind, merely standing under a tree to listen for a sound that others cannot hear is hardly a military strategy, especially when you know that the enemy is going to be better prepared because of their thirst for revenge.

But King David had an awareness of the spiritual realities available to him and the children of Israel that day.

He knew that the factors that determine victory in battle were more than the number of soldiers, horses, and chariots that an army had. David had an understanding that failure on his part to stay aware of the spiritual variables of war could cost him and his army severe losses.

David’s choice to stay consistently aware of the dynamics of the spiritual realm brought him and his army their desired results.

‘David therefore did as God commanded him: and they smote the host of the Philistines from Gibeon even to Gazer. And the fame of David went out into all lands; and the Lord brought the fear of him upon all nations.’ – 1 Chronicles 14:10-17

Interestingly, there were spiritual dynamics at play during the Battle of Dunkirk that contemporary historians sometimes overlook during their analyses.

Just before the British military leaders embarked on sending boats and ships to evacuate the trapped Allied armies, the king of England at the time, King George VI called for a National Day of Prayer where he implored everyone under his jurisdiction to cry out to God for divine help. And his people responded, as there are eyewitness accounts, as well as photographs proving that the entire nation went on their knees, crying out to God for deliverance.

Just like King David centuries before him, King George VI understood that there were spiritual realities that were available to him and his nation.

As the nation took advantage of their connection to God’s Strength, Wisdom and Power in the spiritual realm, interesting events were unfolding in the physical realm.

As mentioned earlier, first, the German authorities decided not to press their advantage at Dunkirk for three whole days.

Then, the weather at the battlefield became very cloudy, such that it was not possible for the Germans to use their bomber planes in making life unbearable for the trapped Allied armies.

Even more remarkable, the water corridor was very calm, such that the evacuation efforts of the Allied armies via ships and boats were much easier than it would have been had the waters been turbulent.

Understand this: Talent, planning, and strategy will only take you so far. If you fail to take cognizance of the influence of the spiritual realm on events in the physical realm, you will always fall short in the long run.

What I Learned from a Bad Driving Habit

I only started driving in 2017.

In those early days, I remember being crippled with anxiety whenever there were more than two vehicles on the road.

Back then, crawling at 30 miles per hour was very fast.

However, for me, the holy grail of driving was the ability to drive with one hand. You see, I always held the steering wheel with both hands and my brain would always fry whenever someone tried to hold a conversation with me as I drove.

In contrast, I saw other people flawlessly executing what I was incapable of doing.

As I saw other drivers use one hand to control a 4000-pound vehicle as they nonchalantly engaged in conversations with passengers, I could not help but grow green with envy every single time.

The question that never seemed to leave my mind was this: How are these guys able to drive a car with just one hand?

Fast forward to a couple of months ago, my boss and I traveled for a conference.

In the car, we talked about the finer details of the presentation we were scheduled to deliver together the following day.

Of course, I was the cool driver cruising along the highway — with just one hand on the steering wheel!

That’s when it occurred to me that I had been doing this bad habit for almost two years and I did not even know it!

If you think I am advocating for one-handed driving, you are missing my point.

The bigger picture is the process that took me from the ‘Day Crawler’ in 2017 to the ‘Cool Cruiser’ a couple of years later.

Now that I think about it, the one thing that transformed me from one state to the other is so obvious.


I became a better, more confident driver because I continued to drive every day and in every circumstance.

I drove in the rain.

I drove in the snow.

I drove at night.

I drove in the fog.

The more I drove, and the more contexts I drove in, the better I became as a driver.

Consistency made me a better driver!

At the end of every year, people give different motivational talks about how you need to keep reinventing yourself every year.

They talk about how it is essential for you to make plans for the new year to be your best year yet.

However, while I am all for planning and reinvention, I don’t know why people wait till the end of the year before they make such moves.

It’s not like your life stops and resets at the end of every year.

The earth does not stop revolving around the sun to give everyone a breather at the end of each year.

Yet, we are quick to hop on the bandwagon of those who conveniently advocate for reinventing yourself every year — forgetting the rewards that may arise from persisting with your current path.

If you really want to be successful in any field of endeavor, you need to reflect on previous successes you’ve experienced in your life.

If none comes to your mind, think about the following:

You did not learn to walk because you planned it. Rather, you learned to walk because you were consistent.

You did not learn to write alphabets because you reinvented yourself, you learned because you were consistent.

If you’ve earned a degree, it happened because your study habits were consistent over the duration of your schooling.

Consider this quote I have been meditating on for some days now,

He that tilleth his land shall be satisfied with bread; but he that followeth after vain persons is void of understanding

– King Solomon (Proverbs 12:11)

Every step of the farming process is a testament to the power of consistency.

A half-hearted attempt to clear the weeds on a farm will make it impossible to plant seeds.

A half-hearted attempt to plant seeds will jeopardize the farmer’s harvest when it is time.

Even harvesting is dependent on consistency. The farmer does not harvest half-way before trying to reinvent himself into a shepherd. Rather, when the crops are ripe, he goes all in and does not relent until he’s done.

On the other hand, there are the inconsistent ones who are tossed to and fro by the different doctrines pushed by the different thought leaders.

People in this camp are left overwhelmed with information, even as they sink into the cesspool of action paralysis…until the end of the following year when they get their next fix of reinvention talk.

If you are ready to thrive, you do not need to wait till the end of the year to make your desired change happen.

All you need is consistency, and here are 3 tips that will keep you on track.

1. Eliminate Ruthlessly

As humans, we are finite.

We can only be in one place at a time.

We only have enough resources for some things, but not everything.

As a result, we need to deliberately select what we choose to focus our attention on.

Again, when you think about the previous successes you’ve experienced in your life and you’d find them rife with elimination.

To walk, you needed to eliminate crawling.

To write, you needed to eliminate the uncoordinated hand movements that were not giving you the desired symbols.

Staying consistent becomes a simple ordeal when you ruthlessly eliminate the unessential and concentrate on what matters.

2. Design an Enabling Environment

When the defaults in your environment promote the performance of your desired behavior, you become more consistent at it.

For instance, if you want to be more productive with your time, you could redesign your physical space such that your phone is in a separate room whenever you need to work.

In the same way, if you want to be a generally more healthy individual, it is easy to build consistency in healthy eating when your immediate environment is filled with healthy meals.

Your environment is not just limited to the physical inanimate objects in your surroundings. Rather, it also comprises of your social environment, which is made up of the people you surround yourself with.

Before I started driving, no one in my immediate circle could move a car to save their lives. I naturally started driving as soon as my social environment comprised of drivers.

Think about it: You are able to walk today because the people who surrounded you as a child all walked and encouraged you to walk.

Like I said in my post, The Adullam Ring: Outsourcing Decision-Making for Better Outcomes, when you form your Adullam Ring of like-minded individuals, you set yourself for success in the long-run. This happens because of the positive peer pressure that constrains you towards consistency. No one wants to be the one dragging the group back.

3. Track Your Progress

When you are in the habit of measuring how often to repeat a desired behavior, you are more likely to stick with it.

As you track each time you write that article, meditate, go to the gym, make that sales pitch, or do some predetermined action outside your comfort zone, you will literally see those tiny actions add up over time in your tracker.

Self-sourced motivation is the best kind of motivation, and there are very few things that can spark motivation than seeing yourself going on a streak.

I have provided a simple habit tracker that you can download and adapt for the purpose of tracking your habit (No squeeze page or sign up!)

Get your habit tracker (No sign-up!)

Gaining Clarity for Rational Decision Making: The Quality Decisions Accelerator (QDA)

In 1837, a 29-year-old Charles Darwin received an academic grant worth nearly $120,000 in 2019 dollars. Prior to that, he had embarked on a very successful exploratory voyage to Africa, Australia, and South America on the HMS Beagle from 1831 – 1836.

Darwin’s findings during the trip placed him at the cutting edge of the geological and biological research of his day. He would later go on to turn the scientific world upside down with his radical theories for which he’s still known today – almost 150 years after his death.

Yet, on this fateful summer afternoon in July 1838, Darwin penned the following words in his journal which reflected the more pressing matters on his heart:

Marry [pros]:

Children — (if it Please God) — Constant companion, (& friend in old age) who will feel interested in one, — object to be beloved & played with. — better than a dog anyhow.– Home, & someone to take care of house — Charms of music & female chit-chat. — These things good for one’s health. — but terrible loss of time. —

Not Marry [cons]:

Freedom to go where one liked — choice of Society & little of it. — Conversation of clever men at clubs — Not forced to visit relatives, & to bend in every trifle. — to have the expense & anxiety of children — perhaps quarelling — Loss of time. — cannot read in the Evenings — fatness & idleness — Anxiety & responsibility — less money for books &c — if many children forced to gain one’s bread. — (But then it is very bad for ones health to work too much)

Six months later, Darwin was married to Emma Wedgewood. Their marriage lasted 43 years and produced 10 children – many of whom went on to lead successful professional lives.

Needless to say, Charles Darwin made the right choice because he got something right.

Clarity! Clarity!! Clarity!!!

Many times, we make poor decisions, not because we are irrational or stupid, but because we lack clarity.

When we lack clarity about our desired preferences and outcomes, we end up making sub-optimal decisions. This is painfully obvious in circumstances where the choices we have to choose from are ambiguous.

As an example, if you are on a diet plan – once you have opportunity costs at the forefront of your mind, it is easy to choose between the calorie-dense chocolate cake and the tuna salad.

On the other hand, what do you do when you need to choose between relocating to another state and staying put where you are? How do you know whether it is time to go back to school, or whether your time is much better spent working your way up the corporate ladder?

That’s where the Quality Decisions Accelerator (QDA) comes in…

The Quality Decisions Accelerator (QDA) is a simple tool I created to bring you much-needed clarity when you need to make rational decisions in situations where the options are ambiguous and the opportunity costs not readily obvious.

I’m going to walk you through the process of using the QDA in six simple steps.

So, here goes…

Step One: Pray Before Using the QDA

I bet you did not see that coming.

If there’s anyone who embodies the perfect representation of rationality, it’s God.

God created us in His Image and Likeness and the only reason we appreciate and strive for rationality is because God placed that ability within us!

Unfortunately, because we live in a deeply humanistic society, we have strived to make God totally irrelevant in our decision making.

Consider what the sage King Solomon had to say about decision making:

‘In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.’

Trying to make rational decisions without so much as a breath of prayer directed to God is like trying to navigate the Amazon forests without a map or a GPS – a total recipe for disaster.

When you pray to God before making decisions, even if it is for 30 seconds, you increase your chances of finding that ever-elusive clarity. More often than not, Step One is the farthest many people reach before God stirs up the answers from within them.

That’s not a bad thing!

Step Two: Be Calm in Your Mind and Emotions

If you find yourself having to make a high-impact decision (like buying a house or relocating to another city) when you are on an emotional rollercoaster, please refrain!

Periods of intense emotional reactivity are inconducive to rational decision making – rendering the QDA useless.

One key obstacle to clarity is a mind that is filled with mental clutter – many of which arise from emotions that are out of whack.

For best results with the QDA, you need to find a way to be calm.

Take a walk or listen to some relaxing music.

Do some meditative breathing.

Retreat to a room where you can have peace and quiet.

Do whatever you need to do to bring your mind and emotions back to a state of balance.

Step Three: Identify 5 – 7 Yardsticks That Will Influence Your Decision

If a person wanted to choose between going back to school for an advanced degree (Option B) and working a regular 9-5 job (Option A), some of the factors that may be considered include income, opportunities for growth, opportunities for networking, derived happiness, and free time for family.

These factors are what I call Yardsticks and they will be typed into the first column from the left on the QDA.

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camp 2019,decision criteria without probability,decision curve analysis in r,decision height,decision hub,decision has been made,decision heuristics,decision helper,decision house,decision hierarchy,decision has been reached,decision height decals,decision held,decision hacked,decision high court,decision has been upheld,decision has been made uk visa,decision heuristics marketing,decision hair salon,decision health,decision hr,decision hindi meaning,decision health coding center,decision games,decision generator,decision gate,decision games uk,decision gif,decision grid,decision graph,decision games ps4,decision games pc,decision games folio series,decision games rules,decision games raf,decision games vassal modules,decision gate process,decision games mini series,decision generator wheel,decision group,decision guide,decision game app,decision gifts,decision first,decision fatigue,decision flowchart,decision flow,decision focus,decision first leeds,decision framework,decision 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avoidance,decision alley,decision analysis tools,decision aids nhs,decision engine,decision explorer,decision en ingles,decision etymology,decision eu,decision emoji,decision eu law,decision economics,decision eyes,decision engine software,decision edge,decision evaluation matrix,decision eu law definition,decision explorer cognitive mapping,decision explorer free download,decision ed,decision exhaustion,decision environment,decision english,decision examples,decision balance sheet,decision boundary,decision ball,decision before dawn,decision boxing,decision based games,decision bias,decision book,decision by committee,decision boundary logistic regression,decision by sampling,decision balance,decision brexit,decision by consensus,decision based games ps4,decision brain,decision board,decision bot,decision behaviour analysis and support,decision before dawn 1951,decision making,decision maker,decision tree,decision synonym,decision in principle,decision making process,decision meaning,decision wheel,decision matrix,decision first,decision making synonym,decision fatigue,decision support tool,decision making model,decision making skills,decision tree template,decision support system,decision time,decision making techniques,decision tree analysis

To get accurate results from the QDA, it is essential that you select yardsticks that are important to you.

In the hypothetical situation above, if ‘income’ or ‘free time’ is not a factor that will influence your final choice, it is useless to include them as yardsticks.

Also, while I designed the QDA to have enough space for 10 yardsticks, you do not have to fill up every single gap. However, try to base your decisions on at least 5 – 7 yardsticks for more accurate results.

Step Four: Score Each Yardstick According to Importance

At this point, it should be obvious that not every yardstick will have the same gravity for everybody.

In choosing between going back to school and staying at a corporate job, ‘opportunities for growth’ and ‘derived happiness’ are definitely valid factors that should be considered before making such a high-impact decision.

However, ‘opportunities for growth’ may hold more weight for a fresh-faced graduate, even as ‘derived happiness’ may be valued higher from the perspective of a seasoned veteran.

This is why the subjective value of each yardstick needs to reflect in the QDA. As a result, in the column named Impact of Yardstick, you need to assign scores to each yardstick (on a scale of 1 – 10) to reflect how much they mean to you.

decision,decision making,can decision trees be used for performing clustering,can decision trees be used for regression,can decision trees be used for clustering,can decision trees handle missing values,can decision trees be used for classification tasks mcq,can decision trees be used for continuous data,can decision be used as a verb,can decision trees be used for all classification tasks,can decision trees use categorical data,can decision 578,can decision trees be used for classification tasks,can decision trees be used for multi class classification,can decision of lok adalat be challenged,will decision,will decision made at the time of speaking,will decision sentence,decision will be made,decision will be taken,decision will be made or taken,decision will be final,decision will be final and binding,decision will be made shortly,decision will affect,decision will stand,decision will be make,decision will we make,will putnam decision,will spontaneous decision,will immediate decision,free will decision,will instant decision,will early decision help,living will decision maker,which decision of gandhiji was opposed by ambedkar,which decision error is the most problematic,which decision was rolled by the government,which decision should i make,which decision tree is best,which decision voided the missouri compromise,which decision is indicative of how the supreme court,which decision by the warren court determined,which decision by tokugawa ieyasu,which decision of gandhi was opposed by ambedkar,where decision trees are used,where decision support systems are used,decision where i go to anywhere,decision where i go lyrics,where is decision making in the brain,where is decision tree used,situations where decision making is required,where is decision tree in excel,where was decision at sundown filmed,where does decision-making authority lie,where can decision trees be used,where the decision lies,where is decision cave,where was decision to celebrate world 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john,when decision tree is used,when decision on ram mandir,when decision rights are decentralized typically,when decision supreme court,when decision on ayodhya will come,when decision on ram mandir case,when decision table testing is used,when decision of ayodhya verdict,when decision making is difficult,when decision makers carefully and conscientiously,how decision tree works,how decision making impacts an organization,how decision tree algorithm works,how decision tree split continuous attribute,how decision tree regression works,how decision making can be improved,how decision making is important,how decision support system works,how decision tree split,how decision making relates to planning,how decision making,how decision making helps,how decision tree works in python,how decision making affects performance,how decision tree is made,how decision are made in organization,how decision tree is used for classification,how decision making is useful in business,how decision making 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In the hypothetical situation above, money is important to this decision-maker, but not as important as having free time and the Impact of Yardstick reflects that (scores of 5 and 7 respectively).

Step Five: Rate the Yardstick for Each Option and Watch the Magic Unfold

Now it’s time to fill up the Yardstick Ratings for each option.

From the example above, it is obvious that one will make more money being an employee than being a student. Hence, you see ‘income’ having a Yardstick Rating of ‘9’ for Option A (job) as opposed to a meager ‘1’ for Option B (school) for this hypothetical decision-maker.

Other Yardsticks are scored in a similar fashion.

The beautiful thing about the QDA is that it’s coded to automatically make arithmetic computations as you fill it up.

As a result, you see the Total scores as soon as you type your Yardstick Ratings.

Step Six: Make a Decision

If you have followed all the instructions to this point, you’d find that the option with the greatest Total at the bottom of the QDA is your preferred choice.

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in organization,how decision logic works,why decision making is important,why decision making,why decision tree,why decision making process is required,why decision making is important in life,why decision making is a difficult task,why decision is necessary,why decision making is important in business,why decision making is difficult,why decision making is important in effective leadership,why decision tree is important in machine learning,why decision is important,why decision support system is important,why decision tree overfit,why decision making is hard,why decision making skills are important,why decision making is important in leadership,why decision making is so difficult,why decision making is important in management,why decision making is considered important,are decision trees machine learning,are decision trees parametric,are decision trees linear,are decision trees binary,are decision trees supervised learning,are decision makers inside a company,are decision trees 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As a Note of Finality…

I designed the Quality Decisions Accelerator (QDA) to be used as a living tool.

This means that the decisions you make by virtue of using this tool are not cast in stone.

Neither are the Yardsticks or the Yardstick Ratings and Impact of Yardstick numbers.

We all make decisions based on our current level of knowledge, as well as our unique perspectives at a particular point in time.

Since both our knowledge levels and perceptions are capable of evolving in the process of time, do not shy away from revisiting and revising your QDA to reassess your choices and sharpen your clarity.